For sale / for rent

City center retail developments are often combined with a residential component, specifically a number of apartments which are sold either individually or collectively to residential real estate investors.

Geographic dispersion

Vabeld invests in commercial real estate all around the globe, mainly in Belgium, France, UK, Brazil and recently also Germany and Romania.

Below you can see the geographic dispersion of our activities.

We would like to hear from you. Feel free to contact us.

In light of our continuous growth, your retail asset(s), whether located in Belgium or elsewhere might be of interest to us. Are you considering selling commercial real estate or do you know someone who wishes to do so, do not hesitate to contact us, with no obligation on your part. We do not act as a broker and discretion can be guaranteed. If you are interested in one of our properties for sale or for rent, do not hesitate to phone or e-mail us.